New album James Bond
Kitty Solaris – Indie/Electro/Pop from Berlin
Kitty Solaris is a well known berlin singer/songwriter following the footsteps of her alltime favorites Velvet Underground, Patty Smith and Catpower. In her kitchen in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg, she developed her very unique style, playing meditative, mellow and melancholic songs on her electric guitar accompanied by her tender voice. Always straight to the point with headlines and catchy hooklines.
“Call KITTY SOLARIS the Indie Queen of Berlin, a musical shapeshifter, a voice for empowerment, or just one of the most daring musicians/producers working today. All would be the truth. Solaris is as much about the Berlin music scene as she is about social equality and fairness for women in the music industry. Quiet a full plate for anyone to take on, but this artist, promoter, and record company boss makes it look almost easy… or necessary, if you will. And that is the overall vibe and messaging throughout „Girls & Music“. Of course, all of this is interwoven in between Solaris’ trademark multiple genres traversing, bizarre and danceable quirks, and weighty, to-the-point lyricism. Pure Solaris through and through.“
Global Texan Chronicles
“Der DIY-Synthie-Pop bringt Elektro-Avantgarde mit Achtziger-Jahre-Memorabilia und Disco zusammen, doch entscheidend ist die gleichzeitig sinnliche und unnahbare, von Ferne an Nico erinnernde Aura, die die Musik von Kitty Solaris umgibt.“
Rolling Stone
Kitty Solaris is part of the Ghost Palace Artist Society.